Top 10 Posts of 2004/2005
Our Top 10 Posts For 2004/2005
3) Fall From Grace Hour… (Nov. 04)
Runner Up Nov. 04:
1) “Weeping As We Were Marching”“It Is Finished” (Nov. 04)
2) Stevens Moving His Armies… (Nov. 04)
3) Superfluity of Naughtiness: (Nov. 04)
4) Meet A Real Focker?(Dec. 04)
5) Tokin’ It up With Da King:(Dec. 04)
Runner Up March 05: What’s Stevens Talking About Now?(March 05)
6) A New Stevens Voted In:(April 05)
Runner Up April. 05:
1) “It Is Finished” (April 05)
2) Let The Dead Bury The Dead: (April 05)
3) In The Beginning… (April 05)
4) Stevens Getting Lippy With Staff: (April 05)
5) Is Your Ass In Church? Stevens Knows! (April 05)
6) He Shall Provide All Mah Needs? (April 05)
7) Lego Stevens: (May 05)
8) Geographical Will Of Gawd? (May 05)
9) Lewdass’s Missing Letter To The Affiliates Found! (May 05)
Runner Up May. 05:
1) Kool-Aid Carl: (May. 05)
2) Been Burned Lately? (May. 05)
3) Keg O’ Carl, Washin’ Down Da Bullshit! (May. 05)
4) Carls Newest Books? (May. 05)
5) The Prodigals Sandwich? (May. 05)
6) Cahmin Merander: (May. 05)
7) The 3 Ah-MeGers! (May. 05)
8) Loving A Mans Who’s Broke #2 (May. 05)
9) Carl’s Hidden Nuggets? (May. 05)
10) Stevens Getting Uppity With The Hunched Over Deaf Woman? (May 05)
10) Corporate Pentecost?(June 05)
Runner Up June. 05:
1) It don’t Fall Very Far From The Tree Eh? (June 05)
2) Shallow Profit’s “Awesome High-Five” (June 05)
3) Fahry Darts? (June 05)
Most Perplexing Post of 2004/2005:
Best Series 2004/2005:
Caught With Their Pants Down Series: (June 05)
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