We Thought We Had It Bad...

I've seen this picture around the net a few times... it's from that jackass Fred Phelp's so-called ministry "God Hates Fags." I won't do the fool any favors by linking to his website. Anyway, many of us had problems in a cult, and when I see the above picture, I wonder what kind of life kids like this girl will have after being involved in that idiotic church.

Judging by the content of his many posts Dave7 would very likely agree with this "kill the fags for Jesus" preacher you have pictured here.
What'dya say Dave7?
Not so fast Anon whoever you are!
This hateful preacher sounds more like Tom Mitchell aka: GoneToPa as he is known over on factnet.
His credo is to kill anyone who doesnt fall for his sappy false humility and bible quotes. Sounds just like self proclaimed pastor(?!) Tom Mitchell.
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