All The Sane People Are Gone?
Has anyone else taken note that every Grace Hour caller is either...

1) An Idiot
2) Unable to Speak English
3) Have residence in Canada or
4) Is simply an Idiot from Canada who is unable to speak English at all!

this is really sad coming from so-called born-again blood bought christians. to laugh and make a mockery out of another child of God. pastor Stevens is not perfect, neither am i, and neither are you. IF Jesus chooses to cast the first stone,well then let Him be the judge between you and me and pastor Steven's, since He is the only one with that right.... you know, since he was sinless and also the Only One true judge. With all the forgiveness God gave to us through Christ,we should just let go of all this cruelty, this doesn't reflect Jesus. Satan is laughing because he is distracting every body from the TRUTH...."i don't need to know anything else but Jesus Christ died and rose again and is seated at the right hand of God for you and for me. much love in Jesus Christ to all, i am truely Canadian/english and also an ex- member of G.G.W.O. DIFFERENT,yes i choose to be known by my love, not by anger, resentment and vengence...these are not mine to hold.
Jesus love you EH!
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