Wednesday, January 24, 2007

New January Hahl-Mahks, Hot Off Da Presses!

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At 6:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


NEIL IS such a hypocrite !


At 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That Hallmaaahhk tapetitle;

tee hee !

At 7:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its actually a dvd by Peggy Crowleys son.

At 12:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Neil,
True to GGWO behavior. The women is a nut and blame kids. How would Tim get photos of your girlfriend in a sex act on onto his sisters computer?You spend countless hours in a desparate effort to discredit me to shift blame Neil. Wisot tried the same thing. All the losers from GGWO do that. It's classic.For someone who should be a tad busy working on paying countless attornies and child support you sure do have time on your hands for fact-net. You are a self appointed impotant person wallowing in your own glory that has a real need to attack women and children. As far a s how Tom feels about your endless promises to pay back, He feels guys like you just need a little "wall to wall therapy" from a real man. Your a consumate coward so just keep on talking Neil. Your threats and lies will pave the way to progress for our civil action against you. You should be in jail.Pervert.

At 12:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tim didn't have pics of Neils girlfriend he had pics of thai girls he got off of myspace virus.

Blame Tim for being dumb to go there.

You can't tell me what anybody saw because it was never seen.

There is no way anybody saw anything on Peggys computer except maybe a thai girl getting it from a thai boy.

I mean Peggy lied about so much crap she has to come up with new stories everyday. Which computer had what on it? It was the kids, no it was hers, no it was neils that didn't even have an internet connection, no it wasn;t child porn it was his almost 40 year old girlfriend. Lets get this right a 40 year old girl looks like an 8 year old thai girl.

Your a freak!You went to nursing school and you can't tell the difference between a 8 year old and 40 year old? Holy Shit!

Can Tim?

At 12:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peggy you have more kids than me, and you can't keep a job. I kept my job for the last 6 months. You walked away out of control issues and frankly fear of not being able to bully people around.

You want to win no matter what, even to the point of your husband not getting what he deserves because you don't know how to stop complaining about what never happened.

You said you made police reports. You lied. There were none. Not a single one. If a cop thought I commited a crime he be calling me and looking to prosecute. Your full of it. If I did something wrong I at least know that somebody went and seeached your hard drive. I pray like hell a cop seaches Peggy Hard drive there not going to find a picture of me and my ex. Its just a flat out lie.

You will somehow suggest you just lost such great evidence or that you couldn't get a cop to come. Pleaseee..............Cops come running on child pedophila charges. And exposing a child to porn, they be there to. Your full of lies.

At 1:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dammit, you would sound so much more intelligent if you'd use proper contractions in your speech. YOUR is not YOU'RE. THEIR is not THEY'RE. PLEASE, does anyone pay attention in 2nd grade english anymore?

how can the man run a computer and find porn if he can't speak properly? oh, he was probably using a PC...


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