Saturday, April 07, 2007

Is Neil Autistic Himself? Or Just a Problem Child?

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The Medical Encyclopedia Defines the Symptoms of Autism as the Follow:

* Repeats words or memorized passages, such as commercials
Does not refer to self correctly (for example, says "you want water" when the child means "I want water")
Does not make friends
May treat others as if they are objects
Does not startle at loud noises
May find normal noises painful and hold hands over ears
Rubs surfaces with mouth or licks objects (You been lickin' stuff and puttin' your mouth on shit again Neil?)
Prefers solitary or ritualistic play
Has a short attention span
Uses repetitive body movements
Shows a strong need for sameness
"Acts up" with intense tantrums
Has very narrow interests
Demonstrates perseveration (gets stuck on a single topic or task)
Shows aggression to others or self
* Has an affinity for small children that are not his own


At 10:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neil...on a manic spree again on factnet. He should be in watch at his door for a constable with papers in his hand. People don't take kindly to being scammed, threatened and lied about to cover dirty deeds. Neil is a low form of life, like a slug. No biblical references to make this warm & fuzzy. This jerk, is a jerk and will eventually fall flat on his face. think Wisot really is laughing Neil? Shows how much you really don't know.

At 2:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First making fun of anybody of autistic people by refering to anybody as being such like saying Neil, or maybe some of the person you don't like is really low.

Peggy is the manic on a spree. She is bored as shit and yes I think Wisot is really laughing his head off. I know there has been nothing to stop his actions except people who cared unlike you about playing hero instead of part of an united effort.

Peggy you have spent years wasting time on trying to be something you are not.You will not be a good Christian by trying to play God interpreting scripture concerning works, lack of works, surrender or lack of surrender in other peoples lives.

That is something CHS would appreciate. A person who questions rather a person is saved because they don't agree with them.

Flat on my face? I would say the grapevine in Delaware would serve you well hon. Start reading your own comments .If I was Wisot I appreciate your efforts to discredit those who worked against him. Lets see is there anybody you haven't attacked that try to shut Wisots shop up? If this was a football game your the kid running the ball to the wrong side.

Autsim isn't funny, and neither is tryng to make use of it.

I can take a joke but how would you like to deal with a child who lives in that world for the rest of its life?


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