Thursday, April 10, 2008

Saying Good-Bye to Factnet!



At 6:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you obviously need some serious help. one you have to let it go if Pastor Stevens or Pastor Schaller have hurt you in any way YOU COME TO THEM AS THE BIBLE SAYS AND TALK ABOUT IT. And two you need a job or a hobby because you obviously have to much time on your hands. Stop making this stuff and grow up. Thanks

At 4:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, you bastids. you sick, sick freak bastids. what did pashta awesome ever do to you? i know you're out of house and home now, cast out onto the streets! that's what happens to bastids who throw down the god man! you get thrown down who do the throwin down! did the room clear out? yes it did, because people couldn't handle the stench of the truth! some came to see the grace of OUR FATHER who art in baltimore bring more and more joy, more and more than we could ask or think! and now that pastah awesome is in power we have even a greater DISPENSATION OF GRACE! you re all gonna be left behind in the secret rapture that isn't actually mentioned in scripture but that we're told about thru the traditions of pasta STEVENS! damyou! dam you silly sons all to sheol! God bess baltimore and furthermore God blesst mary-land, that was named after his precious MOTHER!

At 8:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i bet you are a little poor man who was picked on as a child and never got over it. its so sad that you would blast God's annointed. you dont have to like them or even listen to them but to make things like this is absurd. if i ever met you in person i would smack you

At 2:50 AM, Blogger Liquid Waves O' Stevens said...

Violence begets violence; beside you are not living in the Geographical will of God by coming onto this site!



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