Tuesday, April 10, 2007


First off, I could give two shits about Imus, but I’d really like to know how this is even an issue!? The real question that should be being debated is…


No really, who actually gives a crap about this; it’s woman’s basketball for Christ’s sake!? The only ones who care about it are the blacks and the dykes; it’s not even a real sport! They should just have someone go on TV and trash woman’s softball too! I’d love to see Sharpton all fiery about that shit as well!

Now don’t get me wrong, if I had turn on my TV set to ESPN and they were playing this for 3 days straight I’d say FINE!!! But fact is, I turned on the YES network! Now for those of you not living the, beautiful, the wonderful, Empire State, YES stands for: Yankees Entertainment and sports. The key word here however is YANKEES, yet somehow the “…and sports” seems to be hogging all the damn airtime! I go to see the latest in Baseball yet what do I find being played, but WOMANS BASKET BALL!!! Why? No really, freakin’ A, why!? That would be like turning on the Catholic 24/7 network and seeing black rappers singing to the pope about “nigga’s and bitches and hoes!” I don’t need this; my sanity level has gone through the shitter the past few weeks and by God this crap is sending me right over the bloody edge!

I think I have to take up drinkin’ just to make the world a happier place! Though feel free, chime and tell me your thoughts on this topic, am I the only one this is giving the shits too?

Bottom line: It’s Imus, the guy needs botox in his ass, have you see him lately, he looks like the walking dead!? He’s a creepy looking dude, and again we are still talking about his comments on WOMANS BASKETBALL! TO WHICH I SAY, WHO THE FREAK CARES!!!!!!!? The Answer: NO ONE!!!!


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