Site Misunderstandings…
I need to clear up a few things; it was brought to our attention that we were using the name Factnet.COM rather than Factnet.ORG. The reason for this is that Factnet.COM is a parody of Factnet.ORG. Sorry for any mix up. There is no link on this site to only to the .org site. Most of the people who visit Liquidwaves are people from so they know where the site is, but I will link any .com’s over to .org's.
Also there has been some flack given about the use of 911 pictures in one of the parodies. The first picture is not of NYC it’s of Chicago I believe, (a simple google search of “cityscapes”). The only thing of 911 that was used was the people fleeing, which was the look I was going for. Tasteless? Perhaps, but it proves the point of what I was getting at. The parody was in no way to desecrate the 911 memories. I could have used any type of picture but the ones that came up that really looked like the mood I was going for was the pics used. People treat the GGWO Exodus as if it were 911 fleeing the buildings all over again. I was simply poking fun at peoples fears and how they’ve blown up the need to leave.
Also there has been some flack given about the use of 911 pictures in one of the parodies. The first picture is not of NYC it’s of Chicago I believe, (a simple google search of “cityscapes”). The only thing of 911 that was used was the people fleeing, which was the look I was going for. Tasteless? Perhaps, but it proves the point of what I was getting at. The parody was in no way to desecrate the 911 memories. I could have used any type of picture but the ones that came up that really looked like the mood I was going for was the pics used. People treat the GGWO Exodus as if it were 911 fleeing the buildings all over again. I was simply poking fun at peoples fears and how they’ve blown up the need to leave.

Actually there is a!
Apology accepted naughty Neil!
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