Saturday, October 30, 2004

There Have Been Reports Of TwoPay Bullying...

TwoPay Bullying is where GG members tend to shun Ex-members. Those are people who have left the church, normally on bad terms and they like to slander and talk bad about how church leadership did them in. These folks also feel the need to tell everyone how they were wronged and how evil GG members are for staying.
If you or any of your loved ones have experienced any of this type abuse email us at We’d love to hear your stories of woe!

Arnold Schwarzenegger Says...

...That Bruce Springsteen Is Just A "Girlie Man!"


WELL, well, well. Look who's sporting a near-orange twopay, my friends. It's "AMERICA'S NEWSMAN (Ret.) " Walter Cronkite. That shade of orange sure puts the CRONK in "Cronkite," doesn't it?

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Girls Sell Candy Bars, Boys Went On "Bottle-Drives!"

Money Making Schemes From GGWO:
This simply means that the boys were forced to roam the inner city streets by searching the dirty street corners themselves a few dozen times, or just simply going door to door. This meant asking old sickly people for their empty soda bottles, all this in the hopes, that just in case, they might not want to take the time and return the bottles themselves to get their deposit. If this were the case, we were told to then ask, "Could we please have them?" If they handed over their recyclables, we were in the money!
Going door to door with Nate was always fun...
...He always loved bottle drives, because they tended to have more than one meaning to him.
Even "The Tap dancing hemroid" enjoyed going on these jaunts of sticky joy.
GGWO Schools motto: "There is only free time for the wicked!" This means simply that you do for the Lord even when you're doing from the Lord, so even band class was used to promote promotions at the school/church.
Some times though the bottles weren't just handed over to us...oh no, many a time we had to hunt for them in the woods!

Mandatory Volunteering!

See within the GGWO schools they have away of forcing their children to do their bidding, it's called "Fun-Razers!" Selling Candy bars door to door within the inner city may sound like a great idea when you have this going out...

...But when you have this...

...It's just not right folks!

The Lenox Estate Engulfed In Flames...

...While Stevens is "Spirited away to safty by his belt"

Getting Ready For The End!

Just in case...
We here at liquid waves just want to send our prayers and best wishes to Arafat at this time, in hopes of a speedy recovery...YEAH IN HELL!
This speaks for itself!

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

GGWO Pastors and Their Wives Pissing About Not Having Enough Money!

What they really mean is, to not have enough money to take that second vacation or cruise they were planning…yeah times are tough!

All the while, GGWO staff members are forced to take a cut in pay during the summer months…
...Talk about a Wipeout!

For Halloween, Stevens Wanted To Dress Up Like God...

Stevens and Bill both started off together...
...But Stevens soon realized that there was only enough room in the sky for one God!

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Getting Into Shape Before Heaven...

He gets a Mic right in the Freakin' ear!

Safety First?

At this point, does it really matter?


Playin' With The Bull...

I could have had a lot of fun with this, but I thought letting each of you use your own imagination would be best!

Stevens Thanks The Out Work/Shape Vets...

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Droppin' the Twopay?

Stevens Dances With Meat...

No Touch Love 2

Buttons and Posters Ready For Sale...

Just a question, would anyone buy these things off this site?

Stevens Really Is a Little Pisser!

No Touch Love

What is goin' on here?

Friday, October 15, 2004


This is a CLASSIC montage of the Orange Two Pay in action, my friends. Click here to download this amazing collection of aural integrity from the man who has put the orange back in twopays.

BTW, this should put us here at Liquid Waves back into the good graces of those who don't appreciate Bill the Wondering Chef's little ditties... if only you knew which member of GGWO he represents...

Leave feedback commentary, folks.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Bill's Traveling Update...

While Bill seeks out the TwoPay sightings, he does tend to find other things from time to time as well...
The TwoPay was driving this car, Bill just missed him by only seconds!
This is what happens when Stevens OD's on Prescription Meds and thinks that he can drive Himself to Heaven!

Never Fear Friends Bill Has Spotted The Twopay A Time or Two...

Mother Angelica…On Crack?

Performance Art At The Vatican?

Bill wants to know what type of beads thoses are?

Saturday, October 09, 2004

This Just In From Bill...

Bill Says: "When you're pushing 260 (and that's being kind) and wearing sweats, a pantie line really doesn't matter any more!"

Friday, October 08, 2004

Kerry’s Version of a War On Terrorism!

Spreadin' The Cheeks of Love

We at Liquid Waves want to take this time to salute the newly formed Iraqi Police and Fire Commission.

and the Iraqi soccer team!

We Ask That You Do Your Part...

If you have friends or family that you'd like to share this site with but don't know just what to say to them? Here are a few pictures that you can right click and hit "Save As" so that you can then send them off with in emails or print and mail.
Help Promote the Site!

This Just In...

Here Bill finds himself at a crossroads...
Handicaps, Beware of Alligators!

Site News Update:

We at Liquid Waves of Stevens would like to introduce to you all, our newest member. Would you all warmly welcome...
“Bill The Wondering Chef!”
Bill be on assignment for us, and will be sendingback pictures and stories from his traveling adventures far and wide.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Make Sure To Watch The Cheney/Ewards Debate Tonight!

James Brown Getting Funky-Fyed

Umm...It goes on your head James!

Will He Ever Figure Out That...

Damn Folks, It's Not Every Day That Someone Makes Rosie Look Hot!