Friday, April 28, 2006

Seeking Out Carl Action Where Ever IT May Roam!

The Problem with trying to find ACTUAL “Action Poses” of Carl; is that GGWO Pastors don’t Serve, they Delegate and then bitch when things don’t get done!
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"Why Are WE Running Out of HahtDogs?" -Typical GG Pastor
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Yer Average Canadian?
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Every female Parishioners dream?
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Thursday, April 27, 2006

Frank Miller's Sin City...More Like Carl's Sin City!

So ok, not the most "Christian Movie" around, but what is these days!?

You can read into this anyway you like...
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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

If Carl Really is Dead or Dieing, What’s GGWO Trying To Tell Us Here?

An actual Google Search...
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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Da Bitchy Code: No Wig Here, Says Carl Hanks!

Click Here To Read The Story:
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Monday, April 24, 2006

The Queen's Seen Better Days...

Image hosting by Photobucket Website Wanted: "Candid Shots of Pastor In Action?"

Shit, the man ain’t been active in over 40 years, you sure they had cameras back then?

The site reads:
We are looking for candid shots, pictures of Pastor in action, not group pictures or pictures of you and Pastor, but pictures of him preaching here and overseas, of him knocking on doors, winning souls, praying with a group of people, studying, holding a rap session in a restaurant somewhere. We are looking for good variety of locations, seasons, activities and memories. "
So I give to you...
Carl's Action shots!
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Saturday, April 22, 2006

It's Deep!

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Thursday, April 20, 2006

It Was Only A Matter Of Time Before Fred and His "God Hates Fags" Group Would Start Going After Stevens...

Just cain't make this stuff up folks!
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Saturday, April 15, 2006

Our Annual Easter Posting...

Soul Pow-ah Attachments?

Greater Grace's Co-Dependency on Carl?
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Sorry HahdahSIR We Couldn't Cum Up Wit' Any More Sodomy Ideers...

...but we did come up with "Da Voodoo Bastid!"
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Friday, April 14, 2006

For Sodomy: Carl Says That "Two Fingers Work Da Best!"

For those not in the know, check out the latest Debate about us over on FN!?
HahDAser seems to have Sodomy on da brain!
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Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Spiritual Queer Club

“He’s a member of the spiritual queer club…he’s a spiritual queer!” –CHS

Just a note: the end got chopped off... Cahl concludes by saying, "that they let you become a member of the spiritual queer club without money!"

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Yer Pahstah Will Present Ye Befoe Da Lourde!

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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Bibleman's Identity Revealed!!

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Monday, April 10, 2006

Rally Before Convention.

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Hurricane Carl Comin' in 06?

I call this one, "The Scam Before the Storm!"
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"Greater Grace sure does know how to Pah-tay!"
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Sunday, April 09, 2006

Carl’s 11th Commandment…

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The Object of Much Praise!

I posted this a while back, but thought that it was worth reliving! I also spliced everything together and made one BIG clip, plus I put it into the form you now see for easy viewing!
You're welcome!

Carl Hulking up?

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Real Reason Why Carl Is Sick...

Why’s this SOB laying in his hospital bed, and not out Soul Winning?
Maybe the piece of shit is sick because he’s not out doing what he told us to do.
You know, back when he had the nerve to say that cancer came to those who took in evil reports?

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He must be sick (with boils) because he's not doing God's will!
I mean if the shoe fits...

The Typical Grace Hour Caller...

"Yer in our hearts and minds Pahsta!"
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What We Were Told To Do...

"Do try and spend as much time with Pahsta as you can!"
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We were somehow not good Christians if we didn't follow the man around to raps and watch him making love to his wife/other mens wives! We were to be with him 24/7!

The Ministry Is Being Blessed... SURE, CARL, SURE!

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Carl is seeing with the eyes of faith, eh?

Fly, Fly, Fly Away Sweet Angel!

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Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Site Update!

Don't forget to check out the 2 new polls (hit refresh until you get them both), and the NEW E-Cards. So far all we have is "Carl’s Birthday" card ready, but more will surely be-a-comin’! They are located on the right side towards the bottom!

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Chalk This Up Under, “Cuz Dare Deeds ‘R Evil!”

NY Judge Says Dancing Not Constitutional Right...
Click above to see the News story.

"Gittin' Jigger Wit' it!"

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Speaking of “Evil Deeds,” this brings back memories!

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Monday, April 03, 2006

Whose Sheep Are They?

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Sunday, April 02, 2006

What's On Tap For Summer 2006?

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That's right... just another stinking convention. Another chance to parade the missionaries/refugees/"precious brothers" from around the world through a strip mall in Baltimore and have a clapping frenzy for that ol' serpent, CAHL himself! Where do I sign up?

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Local Cult Leader Stevens Dead


Here's a screen shot:

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