Friday, October 31, 2008


God Bless da Gov-ah-nator!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

How's The Bullshit Taste This Time Guys?

Eating Bush's Shit...AGAIN

Toilet Stench Clears Out London Air Port?

Story Here:

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Typical Date With a Skinner Woman.


She now can't explain why she invented the story, Bryant said. Todd also told police she believes she cut the backward "B" onto her own cheek, but did not provide an explanation of how or why, Bryant said.
Full Story Here:
A knife-wielding man robbed a McCain-Palin campaign volunteer and etched a “B” into her face after he saw a McCain bumper sticker on the woman’s car, Pittsburgh police said.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Old People, You Can't Shoot Them, And...Well, You Can't Shoot Them!


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Carl Re-In-CAHR-Nated?

Dead Bear Covered in Obama Signs?

Story Here:

"Gold-Fuck-Fish" -Lewis Black

Funny it took 3 emails, two absentee ballots filled out and a kick to the nuts to get my absentee ballot sent to my home, and yet Princess the dead Gold-fuck-Fish was registered to Vote for Obama.

Click Here for the Story:

Elmer Fudd Goes From Ass To Mouth In One Sitting...

Monday, October 20, 2008

How Can Poor Rush Fend Off All The Out Stretched Hands Looking For A Handout?

All The Rich-Poor People Coming After Rush's Money

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Don't Worry Rush I Think You'll Survive!

How about Feeding The Starving Kids Rush?
Starving Rush

Friday, October 17, 2008

Obama Stole Retards Vote.

Story Here:
Obama Stole Retards Vote

I Fear That nASSa Just Might Have Their Head A Bit Too Far Up Their Own Ass On This One!

Space smells like Big daddy's BBQ?

Smells of Space

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Love In De Air.

When It's Obammer Love

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

No Candy Fer Yew Boah!!

For all of you GGWO nuts still out there (AKA Neil), then Use this here image...


...Print it off and on Halloween night go and place it on your favorite (or not so favorite) Greater Grace Members door/front of/all over their house.

Yes, some states are using this image to identify child molesters homes on the most hollowed of hollah days so that kids engaging in the evil woe will not be harmed. So Neil, have Fun!

Dick Goes To The Doc!

Dick Goes To The Doc

Bucket List Cheney

Bucket List Cheney

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Empire Strikes Bush

The Empire Strikes Bush

Carl in Mega Man 9, Talk about a Killer Boss fight.

Dr. carl H. Stevens Mega Man 9

Bush less than 100 days left.

Bush' Bailout Bullshit

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Jim and dannl Makes It Into Mega Man 9

Mega Jim

Yes I know that this doesn't fit, I can't do much about it, but if you want to make your own (Carl Man Perhaps), Knock yourself out!