Tuesday, September 28, 2004

With The Presidential Debates Coming up...

Liquid Waves Of Love

The day Christ Himself came down and Baptized Carl in the river...or was He trying to drowned him?
We may never know my friends!

Stevens Boyhood Photos...

He's an Opie Lookin' Mo Fo Anyways!

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Leave The Grave Alone...

Click Here to hear Stevens might and wonder come alive!

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

It Always Has A Way Of Rising To The Top Eh?

Just A Reminder From Stevens...

The Finished Woik Singa's Doing the Fan Favorite YMCA!
Here Stevens Talking About It Here...

Saturday, September 18, 2004

The OTP Story...

Because you demanded it, we provided it!

Introducing the Orange TwoPay Story: Part 1


Saturday, September 11, 2004

Site Misunderstandings…

I need to clear up a few things; it was brought to our attention that we were using the name Factnet.COM rather than Factnet.ORG. The reason for this is that Factnet.COM is a parody of Factnet.ORG. Sorry for any mix up. There is no link on this site to factnet.com only to the .org site. Most of the people who visit Liquidwaves are people from Factnet.org so they know where the site is, but I will link any .com’s over to .org's.

Also there has been some flack given about the use of 911 pictures in one of the parodies. The first picture is not of NYC it’s of Chicago I believe, (a simple google search of “cityscapes”). The only thing of 911 that was used was the people fleeing, which was the look I was going for. Tasteless? Perhaps, but it proves the point of what I was getting at. The parody was in no way to desecrate the 911 memories. I could have used any type of picture but the ones that came up that really looked like the mood I was going for was the pics used. People treat the GGWO Exodus as if it were 911 fleeing the buildings all over again. I was simply poking fun at peoples fears and how they’ve blown up the need to leave.

Carl Stevens is a Vomitous Jerk?

Ok I made this based on a thread over on Factnet, this statement may or may not be true.
We report, you decide!
The end should read, "MMM Corn..." it's a bit small.
Click the Title to check out the link to the thread!

Friday, September 10, 2004

Your Average Factnet.com User…

The Wrath of The Milked Millionaires…

A long time ago in a revamped shopping mall far, far away… Stood a mighty red heifer. Her name was Betzy, but one day a defunct radio preacher named Carl killed her with sugar cubes and crack cocaine. All Hope was lost...
…But suddenly, much like the mythical bird the phoenix rises out of her own filth and vomit so did Betzy.
Peace Has Been Restored to the Shopping Mall.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Site Update...

If you are looking for the Audio and Video clips check out the August archive on the right.
If you are looking for the poll, or didn't know where it was, also look to your right.
If you're "Mildly Retarded" look to your... right?

60 Minutes Without Stevens...

As Quoted From The "Boston Globe Articles on the 1986-1987 Trial"

Also Check Out The 60 Minutes Special:

Stevens took betzys money and bought..."a freighter that makes (special) missionary sea voyages"
I mean don't they all?

Monday, September 06, 2004

Story Time With Stevens

Once upon a time, there was a cow, 50 lbs of aids infested beef. Oh what a wonderful cow she was. She was a lil wild beast of the field and her name was “Betzy,” and she loved to graze in the wild.

Until one day a Shepard came waddlin’ by, his name was Carl…

Carl tried to entice Betzy away from her open feeding into his small version of heaven (click here to hear him describe it). Carl’s devices in which he used to lure her away, were sugar cubes and crack cocaine.

Here is a picture of Carl feeding Betzy now…

OH, OH, OH Betzy is no more!

The End!

Dr. Angus Says, "Respect the Angus, respect the Beef!"

Sunday, September 05, 2004

GGWO Mass Exodus...

Choose You This Day...

Or God...
Click Me Daddy:

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Christian Correspondence

Christian Correspondence:
All The Kind Words From My Factnet.com Friends

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

This Is What Happens When You Mix Prescription Meds and Religion!

In Dramatic Reversal, Stevens Supports Kerry In Swift Boat Controversy...